Photoshop Tutor Web Directory
In Category:General News
We have now set up a new Photoshop Resource called Photoshop Tutor Web Directory, which contains Photoshop-related resources. Feel free to browse the site for Photoshop-related resources. New submissions are temporarily closed due to excessive spam. Alternatively, if you would like to submit and promote your site on a general web directory, here is a […]

Merry Christmas!
In Category:General News
My dear readers and learners, since our last release of the iTouch tutorial, I promised many to have the Santa Tutorial ready for release. Unfortunately, with so much work coming from college, I had no time, and I don’t think I will since a video tutorial takes far more time than any regular tutorial that I write. .

Fresh updates
In Category:General News
To my readers and learners, I know that you have heard more of me in tutorials but it’s time that i give you an update on which route our website will take now. First of all, there are three new tutorials lined up and ready for release. I am just planning the right time, and making […]