Modern Flyer/Ticket Design – Photoshop Graphic Design Tutorial 15
In Category:Intermediate Photoshop Tutorials
Today, we will learn in Photoshop how to create a modern-looking poster or in this case, we are making a ticket. You can use the same guidelines to create a fancy poster for a club invite or just a simple party.

Important Announcment
In Category:Intermediate Photoshop Tutorials
Some of you may have noticed that lately Photoshop Tutor has been going haywire. Well, we had an issue down here that we have been trying to figure out for a whole week, and we finally did thanks to Oliver from http://www.blogussion.com/. Read the rest of this entry »

News Feed Table – Photoshop Graphic Design Tutorial 14
In Category:Intermediate Photoshop Tutorials
I was really fond of the Web 2.0 search table that they had on Health Pages before they updated their web design. It was very similar to the Web 2.0 table that will be making today, so the credit goes to HealthPages. What’s good is that it shows the common trend of Web 2.0, and a lot of people are trying to accomplish that, so why not throw a Photoshop web design tutorial out there!