Spotlight is Here! – Photoshop Graphic Design Tutorial 10
In Category:Intermediate Photoshop Tutorials
It’s been a wonderful Christmas. I hope that you guys all got a great kick out of it. Now that I have some time before the New Year’s, I am going to try my best to release one more Photoshop tutorial after this one. The rest of the Photoshop tutorials will come next year! I can’t wait to welcome 2008, a new year and a new beginning. Robert Gordon, thank you for the idea for a Photoshop tutorial on objects/perspective. It will be my next release hopefully before the new year. Anyways, enough talk. Let’s get our hands busy.

Merry Christmas!
In Category:General News
My dear readers and learners, since our last release of the iTouch tutorial, I promised many to have the Santa Tutorial ready for release. Unfortunately, with so much work coming from college, I had no time, and I don’t think I will since a video tutorial takes far more time than any regular tutorial that I write. . Read the rest of this entry »

iTouch, create yours! – Photoshop Graphic Design Tutorial 9
In Category:Intermediate Photoshop Tutorials
It’s been a couple of days since the last Photoshop tutorial, and I must say that I am very happy that we got another ten or so subscribers for Photoshop Tutor. Today, we will look into the newly-released iPod, the iTouch. Using our hands, and our very common tool, Photoshop, we will create our own!