Safety Icon Design – Photoshop Graphic Design Tutorial 6
In Category:Intermediate Photoshop Tutorials
I was thinking about how to add to the list of Photoshop icon designs that I am working on. Many of you have already read my “Creating a Calendar” icon. Anyways, a new family member has arrived, and it is the Safety Icon. Once you complete this Photoshop tutorial, you will have the following results:
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Ribbon Image Design – Photoshop Graphic Design Tutorial 5
In Category:Intermediate Photoshop Tutorials
Today, we are going to design in Photoshop a ribbon image that can be used for practically anything. In our specific example for this Photoshop tutorial, we will be creating an advertisement banner for a store, a website, or any place that sells hardware. (Besides this ribbon design Photoshop tutorial described here on this site, you may also want to check out later on an easy way to generate an online ribbon corner banner design where you can simply paste some JavaScript generated onto your site.)
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Web 2.0 Logo Design – Photoshop Graphic Design Tutorial 4
In Category:Intermediate Photoshop Tutorials
I hear more and more people trying to create or attempt to recreate various Web 2.0 Logos for their web design. Today in this web design Photoshop tutorial, we are going to use the basics of Photoshop and our tools to attempt to create ourselves a Web 2.0 logo.
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