Rectangular Glassy Logo – Photoshop Graphic Design Tutorial 18
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Intermediate Photoshop Tutorials
I was lurking around the web for graphic design inspiration, and saw a rectangular glassy logo web design concept on Monster Templates, so I decided, “Hey, why not make a Photoshop tutorial?” So basically, we will learn in this Photoshop tutorial how to use our airbrush to achieve a very cool glass effect.
I have prepared a background for you to work on to save some time. Go ahead and take it over to your Photoshop.
Our first step is to outline our base of the glassbox, so go ahead and take out your rounded rectangle and set the size to 12. Make sure that the background is white.
Drop the opacity of our current outline down to eight percent.
It’s barely visible now and that’s good. Don’t worry, you did nothing wrong. Duplicate the same outline except now clear it of all layer styles, and take out your Eraser Tool. Set the tip to aproximately the size of 1450 and following the diagram, below erase all the white area. Make sure that you use the airbrush tip, not just the typical brush. Otherwise, you will have a different effect.
So now after airbrushing off the tip, you should have something along the lines of this:
Duplicate the following layer. Let’s call it the highlight, and flip it vertically. Place it to the top of our outline now. So something along the lines of this:
Let’s add some lining highlights to our glassbox, so go back to your original outline and make a copy. Clear it of all the layer styles and using your Eraser Tool with the size tip of 50, follow the diagram below to take off all the unnecessary white.
After that, take that layer and flip it vertically, and align closer to the bottom. It should look something like this:
Duplicate it once again, and just move it to the top.
Add the logo or text that you wish to have, similar to what we have below:
Duplicate our original outline again, and following the Diagram below using your Elliptical Tool, cut out a curve.
Lower the opacity to 8%, and you are now done.
Below are two examples side by side. A logo/text:
Thank you for reading, and I hope that you enjoyed this tutorial!
This Photoshop Tutor tutorial has been tagged with: glassy design, glassy logobox, logo, Photoshop design tutorials